Stockholm university
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Urbanization and Environment

The course examines urbanization and the environment from an interdisciplinary perspective. The focus is on livelihood strategies and resource use in fast-growing, poor cities in the global south. 

Half of the world’s population now resides in urban areas. Many lack access to sufficient incomes, housing, safe water and sanitation. The course analyses city and slum growth, environmental consequences and economic and social inequalities. The focus lies on local environments in cities of the South, on people’s provisioning strategies and their individual and collective actions.

  • Course structure

    The course starts with overarching theories about urban growth, economic and political processes and applications within city planning and urban politics. Students then go more in depth with these issues in sector specific studies of housing, water provision, sanitation, waste management, energy and transportation.

    Different methods are tested during the course for studying and describing urban environmental questions. Different theoretical approaches for understanding urban environments will be compared as well.

    Special emphasis is placed on the varying spatial scale of different urban environmental questions, their varying effect and who is advantaged and disadvantaged. Gender issues are also considered as are differences between the rich and poor.

    The issues raised and discussed in the course are concretized in independent work to produce environmental profiles of cities of the student's choice.

    Teaching format

    Instruction is conducted in the form of lectures, seminars and experimental exercises.  

    Several assignments and independent papers will be presented orally and/or will be submitted in writing during the course.

    Obligatory attendance can be required.

    Detailed information, including grading criteria, is presented at the course and module introductions and via the collaboration and learning environment Athena. 

    Learning objectives

    After completing the course, the student is expected to be able to:

    • Analyse complex physical, social and economic processes in the resource use and environmental impact of cities. 
    • Describe and reflect on different perspectives on urban development, globalization, people’s livelihood strategies, and how these relate to each other.
    • Analyse urban planning and management processes and structures involving infrastructure and service.
    • Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of different methods for studying the living conditions of people and urban environments.


    Examination takes place via oral and written assignments, throughout the course, including a take-home exam.


    Several teachers assess and grade within the course.

    Examiner: Ilda Lindell, Department of Human Geography

  • Schedule

    The schedule will be available no later than one month before the start of the course. We do not recommend print-outs as changes can occur. At the start of the course, your department will advise where you can find your schedule during the course.
  • Course literature

    Note that the course literature can be changed up to two months before the start of the course.
  • Course reports

  • Contact

    Course coordinator
    Academic Counselling
    Student Affairs Office