
Courses / Programme(26276)
Code Name Credits Subject (only for course) Level Course/Programme
GO2300 Scientific Data Processing for Earth Scientists 5 h First level Course
GO2310 Sedimentology and Facies Analysis 5 h First level Course
GO2320 Paleontology, Basic Course in Geology 10 h First level Course
GO2330 Practical Paleontology, Intermediate Course in Geology 5 h First level Course
GO2340 Historical and Regional Geology in the Northern Countries, Advanced Course 5 h First level Course
GO2350 Historical and Regional Geology in Europe, Advanced Course 10 h First level Course
GO2360 Prequarternary Geology in the Baltic, External Course 5 h First level Course
GO2370 Economic Geology, Intermediate Course 10 h First level Course
GO2380 Sedimentology and Tectonic, Basic Course 5 h First level Course
GO2390 Traineeship in Geochemistry and Petrology 5 h Grundnivå Course
GO2400 Practical Mineralogy, Basic Course 10 h First level Course
GO2410 Scandinavian Prequartary Geology with Stratigraphy and Paleontology 5 h First level Course
GO2420 Marine Geology and Methods 5 h First level Course
GO2430 Orogenic Geology 5 h First level Course
GO2440 Sediment Petrology with Facies Analysis 5 h First level Course
GO2450 Tectonics and Sedimentary Petrology, Intermediate Course 5 h First level Course
GO2460 Sedimentology, Intermediate Course 5 h First level Course
GO2470 Fennoscandia´s Bedrock, Advanced Course 10 h First level Course
GO2480 Sediment Petrology, Intermediate Course 5 h First level Course
GO2490 Mapping in Geoscience, Intermediate Course 1.5 h First level Course