
Courses / Programme(26276)
Code Name Credits Subject (only for course) Level Course/Programme
GO6010 Minerals and Gemstones, Introductory Course 5 h First level Course
GO6020 The Sea, Introductory Course 5 h Grundnivå Course
GO6030 Volcanoes of the World, Introductory Course 5 h Earth Sciences Grundnivå Course
GO6040 Dinosaurs - Their Evolution and Extinction, Introductory Course 5 h Earth Sciences Grundnivå Course
GO6050 The Geology Behind the Scottish Whisky Industry, Introductory Course 5 h Grundnivå Course
GR1000 Budgeting, Cost Benefit Analysis and Finance 5 h Advertising and Public Relations First level Course
GR3010 Research Methods 10 h First level Course
GR3020 Thesis 10 h First level Course
GR3030 Brands and Semiotics 5 h Grundnivå Course
GR4010 Research Methods 10 h First level Course
GR4020 Thesis in Business Administration 10 h First level Course
GR6010 Marketing Communications, Basic Theory and Techniques 20 h Grundnivå Course
GR6020 Marketing Communications: Finance and Leadership 10 h Grundnivå Course
GR6030 Marketing Communications: Implementation I 10 h Grundnivå Course
GR6040 Marketing Communications: Implementation II 10 h Grundnivå Course
GR6050 Marketing Communications: Essay 10 h Grundnivå Course
GR6060 Legal Liability of Commercial Art Publishers 2 h Grundnivå Course
GR6070 Retoric Typograhpy 5 h First level Course
GR8010 Economic Theory 10 h First level Course
GR8020 Marketing 15 h First level Course