
Courses / Programme(26276)
Code Name Credits Subject (only for course) Level Course/Programme
GR8030 Social Theory 5 h First level Course
GR8040 Massmedia and Mercantile Law 3 h First level Course
GR8050 Statistical Methodology 7 h First level Course
GR8060 Applied Subjects 5 h First level Course
GR8070 Marketing Project 15 h First level Course
GR8080 Advanced Studies At Ihr 20 h First level Course
GR8110 Graphic Design Computer Programs 5 h Grundnivå Course
GR8120 Introductory Typography/applied Computer Programs 10 h First level Course
GR9010 Business Economy and Administration 25 h First level Course
GR9020 Graphic Design and Arts 20 h First level Course
GR9030 Graphic Techniques 25 h First level Course
GR9040 Projects 10 h First level Course
GR9050 Business Administration and Management I 20 h First level Course
GR9060 Business Administration and Management II 20 h First level Course
GR9070 Graphic Communications 20 h First level Course
GR9080 Media and Graphic Techniques 20 h First level Course
GR9090 Business Administration 25 h First level Course
GR9150 Business Administration II 20 h First level Course
GR9160 Business Administration and Management I 20 h First level Course
GR9170 Visual Communications 20 h Grundnivå Course