
Courses / Programme(26276)
Code Name Credits Subject (only for course) Level Course/Programme
KE1350 Biochemistry, Basic Course 10 h First level Course
KE1360 Techniques for Analysis and Separation, Basic Course 6 h First level Course
KE1370 Molecular Life Sciences, Basic Course 10 h First level Course
KE1410 Organic Chemistry II 9 h First level Course
KE1420 Organic Chemistry I 5 h First level Course
KE1430 Organic Chemistry II 5 h First level Course
KE1510 Inorganic Chemistry I 9 h First level Course
KE1520 Inorganic Chemistry II for Technology 8 h First level Course
KE1530 Elementary Programming for Chemistry 2 h First level Course
KE1540 Chemical Literature, Environmental Chemistry and Introduction to Computer Use in Chemistry 10 h First level Course
KE1610 Chemical Industry, Basic Course 5 h First level Course
KE1620 Chemical Literature Searching I 3 h First level Course
KE1710 Organic Chemistry in Biology Study Programme 5 h First level Course
KE1720 Biochemistry for Biology Students 3 h First level Course
KE1730 Biochemistry for Biology Students 5 h First level Course
KE1800 Chemistry B, Preparatory Course 5 h Chemistry Grundnivå Course
KE1810 General Chemistry for Geology 8 h First level Course
KE1820 No Translation Available 3 h First level Course
KE1F00 Chemistry, Basic Course 40 h First level Course
KE1F10 Analytical Chemistry, Basic Course 5 h First level Course