
Courses / Programme(26276)
Code Name Credits Subject (only for course) Level Course/Programme
KF3010 Gender studies Bachelor's 30 ECTS Gender Studies Grundnivå Course
KF5010 Specialized Course (for the Equivalent of a Master's Degree) in Gender Studies 20 h First level Course
KF5020 Specialized Course in Gender Studies 40 h First level Course
KFU100 Gender and Equality Between Women and Men 7.5 ECTS Gender Studies Grundnivå Course
KG1010 Economic Geography 5 h First level Course
KG1020 Urban and Regional Planning in Sweden 5 h First level Course
KG1030 Basic Course in Human Geography 20 h Human Geography Grundnivå Course
KG1040 Basic Course in Planning 20 h First level Course
KG1050 No Official Translation 20 h First level Course
KG1060 Basic Course in Urban Geography and Planning 5 h First level Course
KG1070 Basic Course in Urban Geography: Metropolitan Regions in Scandinavia 5 h First level Course
KG1080 No Translation Available 20 h First level Course
KG1090 Computer Cartography 10 h First level Course
KG1100 Basic Course in Urban and Regional Planning 60 h First level Course
KG1110 Graduation Thesis Work 20 h First level Course
KG1120 Basic Course in Urban Geography and Planning II 10 h First level Course
KG1130 Basic Course in Urban Geography: Scandinavian Metropolitans 10 h First level Course
KG1140 No Translation Available 5 h First level Course
KG1150 Landscape and Heritage Preservation, Basic Course 5 h First level Course
KG1160 The Historical Agrarian Landscape 5 h First level Course