
Courses / Programme(26276)
Code Name Credits Subject (only for course) Level Course/Programme
LATI Master's Programme in Literature with a specialisation in Latin Literature 120 ECTS Second level Programme
POLS Master's Programme in Literature with a specialisation in Polish Literature 120 ECTS Second level Programme
PORT Master’s Programme in Literature with a specialization in Lusophone Literature 120 ECTS Second level Programme
RYSK Master's Programme in Literature with a specialisation in Russian Literature 120 ECTS Second level Programme
SPAN Master’s Programme in Literature with a specialisation in Hispanic Literature 120 ECTS Second level Programme
TJEC Master's Programme in Literature with a specialisation in Czech Literature 120 ECTS Second level Programme
TYSK Master's Programme in Literature with a specialisation in German Literature 120 ECTS Second level Programme
MUSI Music 180 ECTS Studies in School-Age Educare First level Programme
BILD Art in School 180 ECTS Studies in School-Age Educare First level Programme
IDRO Sport 180 ECTS First level Programme
7FE2 Finnish mother tongue, English, Swedish as a second language 330 ECTS Teacher Secondary School/Supplementary Teacher Education First level Programme
LITT Specialization in Literature 120 ECTS Second level Programme
SPSP A combination of two languages 90 ECTS Second level Programme
SPHS A language combined w. humanities or social sciences subject 90 ECTS Second level Programme
SASA A combination of two social sciences subjects 90 ECTS Second level Programme
SAHU A social science subject combined with a humanities subject 90 ECTS Second level Programme
HUHU A combination of two humanities subjects 90 ECTS Second level Programme
ITAL Source Language Italian 120 ECTS Second level Programme
FRAN Source Language French 120 ECTS Second level Programme
KINE Source Language Chinese 120 ECTS Second level Programme