
Courses / Programme(26276)
Code Name Credits Subject (only for course) Level Course/Programme
SIEHK Bachelor's Programme in International Relations and Economic History 180 ECTS Economic History First level Programme
NMVEK Bachelor's Programme in Environmental Science 180 ECTS Biology First level Programme
NOCEK Bachelor´s Programme in Oceanography 180 ECTS First level Programme
SBRPO Master´s Programme in Decision-, Risk- and Policy Analysis 120 ECTS Computer and Systems Sciences Second level Programme
NMDMM Master´s Programme in Mathematics Education (One Year) 60 ECTS Mathematics Education Second level Programme
NNDMM Master´s Programme in Science Education (One Year) 60 ECTS Science Education Second level Programme
NNDMO Master´s Programme in Science Education 120 ECTS Science Education Second level Programme
NMDMO Master´s Programme in Mathematics Education 120 ECTS Mathematics Education Second level Programme
BKIV0 Master´s programme in Children´s Culture 60 ECTS Children's Culture Second level Programme
LMNTY Teacher Education Programme in Mathematics, Science and Technology 300 ECTS Teacher Secondary School/Supplementary Teacher Education First level Programme
NGFGO Master's Programme in Geomatics with Remote Sensing and GIS 120 ECTS Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology Second level Programme
UQSLL Programme in Special Needs Training. Specialization: Intellectual Disabilities 90 ECTS Second level Programme
UQSPP Programme in Special Educational Needs 90 ECTS Special Education Second level Programme
SPIHO Master´s programme in education with specialization in health 120 ECTS Second level Programme
HLINM Magister's Programme in Linguistics 60 ECTS Second level Programme
SFGMA Bachelor's Programme in Global Management 180 ECTS First level Programme
SUMFE Master of Business Administration Programme - Commissioned Education 60 ECTS Business Administration Second level Programme
SVUST Master's Programme in Operations Management and Control 120 ECTS Business Administration Second level Programme
HSPTO Master's Programme in Language Science 120 ECTS Second level Programme
ETMMP Magister's Programme/Master's Programme in Ethnology 120 ECTS Ethnology Second level Programme