
Courses / Programme(26276)
Code Name Credits Subject (only for course) Level Course/Programme
LK7GY Bridging Teacher Education Programme for Secondary School and Upper Secondary School 90 ECTS Teacher Secondary School/Supplementary Teacher Education Second level Programme
NMICO Master's Programme in Microbiology 120 ECTS Biology Second level Programme
NMESK Bachelor's Programme in Mathematical Economics and Statistics 180 ECTS Mathematics First level Programme
NETLO Master’s Programme in Ethology 120 ECTS Biology Second level Programme
SLEKK Bachelor’s Programme in Education with specialization Leadership and Communication 180 ECTS Education First level Programme
NMGKO Master's programme in geochemistry 120 ECTS Earth Sciences Second level Programme
SGPEK Bachelor's programme in Global Political Economy with Historical Perspective 180 ECTS Economic History First level Programme
SPTUY Postgraduate Diploma in Psychotherapy 90 ECTS Psychology Second level Programme
HMJOA Master's Programme in Journalism Studies 120 ECTS Journalism Second level Programme
NBIDM Master's Programme in Biostatistics and Data Science 120 ECTS Mathematical Statistics Second level Programme
HTTOK Bachelor's Programme in Sign Language and Interpreting 180 ECTS Translation Studies First level Programme
NMSMM Master's Programme in Mathematical Statistics and Machine Learning 120 ECTS Mathematical Statistics Second level Programme
NMMLK Bachelor's Programme in Mathematics and Machine Learning 180 ECTS Computer Science First level Programme
AB1010 Basic Course in Arabic 20 h Arabic First level Course
AB1020 Introductory Course in Arabic 5 h First level Course
AB1030 Arab World Studies 10 h First level Course
AB1040 Arab Culture and History Part II 10 h First level Course
AB1050 Middle Eastern Studies I 20 h First level Course
AB1060 Basic Course in Middle Eastern and North African Studies 20 h Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures First level Course
AB1070 Basic Course in Middle Eastern and North African Studies, Online Course 20 h Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures First level Course