
Courses / Programme(26276)
Code Name Credits Subject (only for course) Level Course/Programme
ATU110 Human Resource Management 5 h Labour Market and Employment Relations Grundnivå Course
ATU120 The Negotiation Process and Bargaining Tactics 10 h Labour Market and Employment Relations First level Course
BF1010 Molecular Biophysics, Basic Course 10 h First level Course
BF3010 Physical Methods in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 5 h First level Course
BF3020 Experimental Methods in Biophysics 5 h First level Course
BF3030 Biophysics, Advanced Course 10 h First level Course
BF4010 Specialized Course in Biophysics 10 h First level Course
BF4020 Diploma Work in Biophysics, Specialized Course 10 h First level Course
BF4030 Molecular Biophysics 10 h First level Course
BF7010 Degree Project in Biophysics 10 h First level Course
BF7020 Degree Project in Biophysics 15 h First level Course
BF7030 Degree Project in Biophysics 20 h First level Course
BI1010 Biology, Basic Course 40 h First level Course
BI1020 Microbiology, Basic Course 40 h First level Course
BI1030 Microbiology, Basic Course 20 h First level Course
BI1040 Marine Ecology, Basic Course 4 h Biology First level Course
BI1050 Biology, Introductory Course 5 h First level Course
BI1060 Environmental Problems in Brackish Environments, Basic Course 2 h First level Course
BI1070 Plant Physiology 5 h First level Course
BI1080 Botanic Morphology and Systematics 5 h First level Course