Master's Thesis/Essay Course in International Relations, 30 ECTS

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Second level


The aim of the course is that the students should carry out independent work on the subject. The course consists of application exercises and discussions about research design, source criticism, methodology and theory. It will also be a forum for …

The aim of the course is that the students should carry out independent work on the subject. The course consists of application exercises and discussions about research design, source criticism, methodology and theory. It will also be a forum for presentation and critical discussion of the independent scientific work that the participants produce during the course.

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Area of interests: Business and Economics

Business and Economics is important at all levels in society. Business Administration teaches you how companies and other organizations work and how they can achieve their goals in the best possible way. Do you want a long-term perspective and ar…

Business and Economics is important at all levels in society. Business Administration teaches you how companies and other organizations work and how they can achieve their goals in the best possible way. Do you want a long-term perspective and are you interested in what causes financial crises and why certain economies grow faster than others? Then Economic History is the subject for you. If you wish to study how decisions made by human beings affect society, then Political Economy is a wise choice.

More about Business and Economics


Economic History

Economic History