Social Entrepreneurship, 7.5 ECTS

Second level


The aim of this course is to introduce students to the context of social innovation and social entrepreneurship. Through project work students will increase their understanding of various theories and practices from the field, while being exposed …

The aim of this course is to introduce students to the context of social innovation and social entrepreneurship. Through project work students will increase their understanding of various theories and practices from the field, while being exposed to the action-oriented skills required for developing and implementing a social innovation and/or creating the social-oriented new venture. In our society social needs are addressed in a variety of different ways. Some of these needs are addressed mainly through public organisations, some in private spheres through associations or businesses, and others in informal organisations or maybe not at all. As changes occur in our society, the current practices we use to meet our needs will not necessarily be the same practices we use to meet our needs in the future. In response, a number of initiatives are emerging. The creation of these new initiatives is the focus of this course.

Social innovation involves the identification of new problems and finding new solutions for action, individually or collectively. Entrepreneurship, as the process of developing and carrying out these initiatives, focuses on creating new ‘worlds’ in our minds, in how we discuss these with others, and finally how we actually carry out concrete activities. Social innovation and entrepreneurship can, and probably will, involve logics from different sectors of society. During the course, ethical, moral and normative issues will be considered in relation to practical examples and project work. The course’s key topics are: 1. Social Entrepreneurship 2. Social Return-on-Investment (SROI) 3. Corporate Social Responsibility 4. Public Relations 5. Not-for profit business models.

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Area of interests: Business and Economics

Business and Economics is important at all levels in society. Business Administration teaches you how companies and other organizations work and how they can achieve their goals in the best possible way. Do you want a long-term perspective and ar…

Business and Economics is important at all levels in society. Business Administration teaches you how companies and other organizations work and how they can achieve their goals in the best possible way. Do you want a long-term perspective and are you interested in what causes financial crises and why certain economies grow faster than others? Then Economic History is the subject for you. If you wish to study how decisions made by human beings affect society, then Political Economy is a wise choice.

More about Business and Economics


Business Administration

Business administration provides you with knowledge about the function of companies and other organisations, as well as their role in society. Issues covered are useful for work in companies, both in the private and the public sector, as well as for non-profit organisations.

The subject opens many doors on the labour market. It gives you an overview of the main areas in business, and at the same time gives you possibility to specialise within one of the main areas: Financial analysis and calculation, Management/Organisation, Marketing, or Accounting and financial control. The ability to solve problems analytically and critical thinking are important elements in all areas covered.

Financial analysis and calculation examines how to make decision-making easier through the analysis of a company’s income and expenses. Other important topics, such as investments and financing, the company’s raising and use of capital as well as the assessment of companies on the stock market, will be reviewed.

Management/Organisation deals with leadership, control and organising in companies and other organisations. The interplay between the individual, group and organisation are fundamental aspects here. Project management and change are other vital topics covered, as well as issues regarding company- and organisational culture.

Marketing analyses how markets work and how best to handle the flow of goods and services to consumers. In a broad sense marketing thus regards communication and impact. Issues such as brands, consumer behaviour, market surveys and marketing strategies are other topics that are covered.

Accounting deals with how financial information can be compiled to measure and follow up the performance of the business and how information in accounting systems can be used as data for control and decision-making. Issues regarding companies’ external accounting, financial control and auditing as well as financial company analysis are other important topics to be covered.

Business Administration