Event-History Analysis: Regression for Longitudinal Event Data, 7.5 ECTS

Second level


Study pace 50%
Study time Daytime
Study form Normal
Language English
Special eligibility requirements
Bachelor´s degree, the course Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences 1 or the equivalent. Swedish upper secondary school course English 6 or equivalent.


This course is an introduction to event -history analysis (also known as survival analysis or intensity regression.) Duration data is commonly used to address many research questions in demography, social sciences, and epidemiology. Examples of …

This course is an introduction to event -history analysis (also known as survival analysis or intensity regression.) Duration data is commonly used to address many research questions in demography, social sciences, and epidemiology. Examples of such questions are: Which factors influence how long people live, how long they stay unemployed, or when do they start a family? This course introduces the techniques for analyzing such questions and data and covers univariate and basic multivariate (regression) methods for analysis of duration (event-history) data. Students also learn data management skills that are specific to conducting event-history analysis in Stata.

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Area of interests: Human, Social and Political Sciences, and Law

Are you interested in human beings and society? How we function individually and together, what drives us, our learning processes, how rules and laws have been established, and how we interact with each other? If that is the case we have a lot to …

Are you interested in human beings and society? How we function individually and together, what drives us, our learning processes, how rules and laws have been established, and how we interact with each other? If that is the case we have a lot to offer. This area of interest covers anything from Pedagogy, Psychology and Gender Studies, to Statistics, Political Science, Law and many other subjects. Their common denominator is the relation between human beings and society, independent analytical thinking and often an international perspective.

More about Human, Social and Political Sciences, and Law



Demography is the scientific study of human populations. The main task of demography is to describe and analyse population development in various social contexts and time periods as well as to investigate causes and consequences of changing population structures (i.e. variations in the distribution of people across different ages and the proportions of men and women). Demographic knowledge is essential for social planning and for understanding how a society functions. Both the developed and the developing world, and historical as well as recent times are of interest for demography. Fertility, mortality and migration, the three fundamental processes that produce and change populations, can be studied from different disciplinary perspectives (e.g. economics, geography, sociology, history, statistics, political science). The interdisciplinary character of demography is built into the master´s programme in demography, a collaboration among the departments of (in alphabetical order) economics, economic history, human geography, sociology and statistics. Our master´s programme and courses at the advanced level prepare students for continuing study toward the doctoral degree as well as for applied research careers in government agencies, municipalities, other organizations, insurance companies and other businesses.
