Master's Programme in Physics
Four study paths are proposed: Particles and Cosmos, Quantum matter, Atomic-Molecular-Optical physics and finally General Physics. These reflect the areas of expertise of our researchers. General Physics is proposed to students who wish to keep a general profile or have not yet decided a profile area. Strong R&D oriented master projects are proposed.
The programme covers detector physics and data analysis, quantum information, nanotechnology, particle physics, cosmology, atomic, molecular, laser and attosecond physics, and has ramifications to domains such as astrophysics, atmospheric science, molecular biophysics and astrobiology.
Four study tracks
You can choose between four current study tracks: Particles and Cosmos, Quantum Matter, AMO Physics, and General Physics. The study tracks described below are flexible and can be tailored to your interests. Unfold to learn more!

Particles and Cosmos
In the Particles and Cosmos track, you delve into physics spanning the infinitely small to the infinitely large—from quarks and leptons to the fundamental laws of the universe and its largest structures. This track includes courses in general relativity, cosmology, nuclear, particle, and astroparticle physics.
Detailed information about the Particles and Cosmos track.
Quantum Matter, Quantum Optics, and Quantum Technology
The Quantum Matter, Quantum Optics, and Quantum Technology track prepares you for R&D work in modern applications of solid-state physics. You'll learn more about phase transitions, symmetries, and quantum phenomena that appear in condensed matter.
Detailed information about the Quantum Matter, Quantum Optics, and Quantum Technology track.
AMO Physics (Atomic and Molecular Physics and Optics)
Modern AMO physics builds on the rapid developments of the past decade, leveraging the interaction between light and matter at the atomic and molecular levels to understand and manipulate atoms, molecules, and light.
Detailed information about the AMO Physics track.
General Physics
The General Physics track balances experimental and theoretical physics, covering a wide range of cutting-edge research topics. This track is particularly relevant for students who have not yet decided on their specialization at the start of the program.
Detailed information about the General Physics track.
Programme overview
The programme represents two years of full time studies (120 credits), out which 30, 45 or 60 credits are allocated to the master thesis project. Within the programme there is a lot of freedom to choose the courses that best suit your interests and your physics profile. There is also room for you to broaden your competence thanks to a large number of facultative and optional courses.
Here are all avalible courses at the department.
Topical study paths "Particles and Cosmos", "Quantum Matter", "AMO-physics" and "General Physics" are proposed to guide you towards broad research directions; you can either choose to follow them or tailor your own path by selecting your courses from the lists below.
Detailed information about the Particles and Cosmos study path, including course package.
Detailed information about the Quantum Matter study path, including course package.
Detailed information about the AMO-physics study path, including course package.
Detailed information about the General physics study path, including course package.
With a combination of mandatory, eligible and optional courses you acquire a solid base in analysis of data, experimental physics and experimental methodology. This is complemented by at least one theoretical course. The last phase of the programme consists of the master thesis project. We offer the possibility to carry out long projects, up to one year. Knowledge and skills acquired in the programme find applications in many areas of industry and research.
Year 1
1st Semester
Programming techniques II, 7.5 credits, DA4007
Statistical Methods in Physics, 7.5 credits, FK7061
Eligible courses*, 15 credits2nd Semester
Eligible courses*, 30 credits
Year 2
1st Semester
Optional courses**, 0, 15 or 30 credits
(the Physics Degree Project could start already on the 1 semester)2nd Semester
Physics Degree Project, 45 credits, FK9002 (or Physics Degree Project, 30 credits, FK9001, or Physics Degree Project, 60 credits, FK9003).
*Eligible courses
At least one of the experimental courses:
Physical Measuring Techniques, 7.5 credits, FK7063
Detector Physics 7.5 credits, FK7056At least one of the theoretical courses:
Analytical Mechanics, 7.5 credits, FK7049
Elektrodynamics, 7.5 credits, FK7045
Statistical Physics, 7.5 credits, FK7058Between 15 and 22.5hp of eligible courses, depending on the study path.
**Optional courses:
In order to give you the ability to customise the programme to your interests and needs, you have the possibility to choose among a number of optional courses. The optional courses represent in total 15 to 45 credits, depending on the scope of the master thesis project. The optional courses can be chosen freely among all the physics courses proposed at Stockholm University.
Independent project
The master thesis project usually starts during the second year, but may start as soon as you have earned at least 45 credits of advanced courses in physics. The project is usually carried out in one of the research groups of the physics department. The master thesis project may also be carried out at a different university or in a company. During the master thesis project you are given the opportunity to participate to the activity and life of the research group. You work with a research question in a professional research environment where you are in contact with graduate students and researchers. While still a university environment, it provides a unique opportunity to dive deep into a professional environment and develop important soft-skills (independence, perseverance, problem solving, critical thinking, communication, troubleshooting...) before going further to industry or graduate studies.
How to apply
Application is done through
Please note that you need to apply to specific study paths (you can apply to several but have to rank your choices).
When submitting you application make sure you have uploaded all required documents. Read more here:
We at the Department of Physics do not require any additional documents such as CV, letter of recommendation or motivation letter. You will be contacted by us if we need further documentation. -
More information
Courses at the department
Here are all avalible courses at the department.
Eligable to the programme?
Before starting the Master’s programme you should have passed a course/courses covering the following areas of quantum mechanics:
- Basic concepts and methods in non-relativistic quantum mechanics
- the Schrödinger equation
- The wave function and its interpretation
- Operators
- One-dimensional potentials
- The free particle
- The harmonic oscillator, ladder operators
- Matrix representation
- The uncertainty principle
- The formalism of quantum mechanics
- Schrödinger equation in three dimensions
- The hydrogen atom and hydrogenic atoms
- Angular momentum and spin
- Many-particle systems, in particular atoms
- Time-independent and time-dependent perturbation theory, fine structure, Zeeman effect, emission and absorption of radiation
- Variational calculus
Meet us
Watch our Webinar about our Master's Programmes in Physics. In the Webinar you will learn more about our programmes, meet the programme coordinator, mixed with interviews with students and alumni. The Webinar is found on the Stockholm University central web page for Webinars on-demand about our Master’s programmes. It is called "Master's Programmes in Physics".
Meet our teachers
All teachers on the master programme are engaged researchers. The department of physics houses both theoretical and experimental research. The availability and access to top-level experimental facilities where our researchers are active is also a strong asset to the master programme and provide a wide range of master thesis project opportunities: particle physics with ATLAS (Higgs physics, dark matter...), anti-hydrogen experiment ALPHA and GBAR at CERN, interaction between ions at the DESIREE storage ring in Stockholm (atomic and molecular physics), neutrino astrophysics with IceCube at the south pole (astroparticle physics), Xenon1t at the Gran Sasso laboratory in Italy (Dark matter), FAIR in Darmstadt (atomic and nuclear physics), Free Electron Laser XFEL in Hamburg (molecular physics), control of fusion plasma at ITER (instrumentation physics), studies cosmic background radiation and supernovas with modern astronomy facilities, and more.
Career opportunities
A master degree in physics opens up industry and institutions working with research and development, as well as doctoral studies. Many large experiments are carried out internationally and a master degree in physics from Stockholm University opens up job opportunities at international laboratories, including the upcoming international facilities MAX IV and ESS in the south of Sweden. There is an increasing worldwide need for academics with advanced knowledge in physics. Among relevant areas we find research, development and usage of detectors and sensors, analysis of experimental data, energy production, applications of laser technology, instrumentation for medical applications, nanotechnology, telecommunications, photonics, quantum information...
An internship is a great way to test your skills and gain work experience in a real-world environment. During your master studies, you can add an internship course and get the chance to experience working life before you graduate. You can choose a course of 7.5 ECTS or 15 ECTS depending on how long you want the intership to be. You can find more information via the links below.
Internship in Physics, 7.5 ECTS (FK8026)
Internship in Physics, 15 ECTS (FK8039)
Academic advisor at the Department of Physics:
Programme responsible:
Prof. Christophe Clement, e-mail: