Basic Course in General Criminology, 30 ECTS

First level


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Course code AK1110


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Information only in Swedish

Area of interests: Human, Social and Political Sciences, and Law

Are you interested in human beings and society? How we function individually and together, what drives us, our learning processes, how rules and laws have been established, and how we interact with each other? If that is the case we have a lot to …

Are you interested in human beings and society? How we function individually and together, what drives us, our learning processes, how rules and laws have been established, and how we interact with each other? If that is the case we have a lot to offer. This area of interest covers anything from Pedagogy, Psychology and Gender Studies, to Statistics, Political Science, Law and many other subjects. Their common denominator is the relation between human beings and society, independent analytical thinking and often an international perspective.

More about Human, Social and Political Sciences, and Law



Criminology is a multi-disciplinary subject focusing on the study of different aspects of crime and punishment. Studying criminology will provide the opportunity to acquire a broad understanding of crime and other social phenomena related to crime. Course work is formulated in a way intended to encourage independent and critical reflection. Course content includes descriptions of the structure and extent of crime, variations in crime over time and between different segments of the population, and explanations of criminal and non-criminal behaviour at the level of the individual, the group and society at large. A large proportion of the course content is devoted to crime policy, which includes a focus on the processes leading to criminalisation or decriminalisation, as well as other responses to crime such as crime prevention, the work of the police, and the treatment of offenders. Our courses also provide insights into the operation of the justice system, which includes the work of the prosecution service, the police, the courts and the prison and probation service. Course work also includes a focus on other institutions and organisations whose work touches on questions relating to crime prevention, legal rights and equality before the law, and the privacy and integrity of the individual. Victimology, i.e. the study of the victims of crime, remains a relatively new field of criminological research and covers the study of victimisation processes, the causes of victimisation and measures to prevent victimisation. A good grounding in criminology is therefore very useful for those intending to work in a broad range of occupations including journalism, the education sector or social planning. With a major in criminology, you could work with amongst other things the study and analysis of crime, exposure to crime and the response to crime within the police, the prison and probation service or in some other field of public administration.
