Master’s Programme in Language Science with a Specialisation in Finnish, 120 ECTS

Second level


Information only in Swedish

Area of interests: Language and Linguistics

Languages open doors to other cultures, experiences, business contacts and collaboration between countries. At Stockholm University you can study nearly 30 different languages. You can also delve into more theoretical subjects such as Linguistics …

Languages open doors to other cultures, experiences, business contacts and collaboration between countries. At Stockholm University you can study nearly 30 different languages. You can also delve into more theoretical subjects such as Linguistics and Bilingualism. Language and Linguistics studies can lead to a large variety of professions within teaching, research and industry, the public sector, trade and tourism, and other areas.

More about Language and Linguistics



Finnish has always been the most important language in Sweden second to Swedish. Because of the post-war immigration wave, Finnish has become a vital part of the day-to-day life of many Swedes. Also in the business sector the Finnish language has been playing an ever-increasing role, through the establishment of Finnish companies and through cooperation between Finnish and Swedish companies. Together with increasing cooperation among the Nordic countries, this has lead to an increasing demand for speakers of Finnish in our country. Whether the question is about work in the public or the private sector, competence in Finnish is a qualification in high demand. In Sweden, Finnish has the status of a recognized minority language, and Finnish is an official language within the EU. At the division of Finnish you can either study Finnish as a foreign language, or as a student with pre-existing competence in Finnish. As a beginner, you will encounter a linguistically interesting language, and learn the basics of both spoken and written Finnish. If you already speak Finnish, you will acquaint yourself with the modern spoken and written language in all its variety, as well as advance your knowledge about Finnish literature. Also, as a student of Finnish at the division of Finnish you will acquire knowledge about the history of Finland and its modern-day society, and meet up with a modern social market state which has everything from Kalevala to Nokia. You can study Finnish as a Minor, as further education within your professional field, or as a main subject where studies may lead to a Candidate, Magister, Master or Ph.D. exam.
