International Curating Management Education, Magister programme, 90 ECTS

This education is revoked

Second level


No available facts
Programme code HCURM

Education plan


Programme with an international focus, preparing for a career as e.g. curator, exhibition producer or project manager within the cultural field, particularly visual art. Theoretic course modules in art- and exhibition theory, management and legal …

Programme with an international focus, preparing for a career as e.g. curator, exhibition producer or project manager within the cultural field, particularly visual art. Theoretic course modules in art- and exhibition theory, management and legal issues alternate with practical projects as well as internship in a Swedish or foreign institution, thus creating a broad network for a future career. The programme includes the writing of a magister thesis and creating an exhibition project. Only the theoretical course modules will be included in the Magister degree. The course can be tought in Swedish if only Swedish-speaking students have been accepted.

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