Master's Programme in Child Language Acquisition, 120 ECTS

This education is revoked

Second level


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Programme code HLBSA

Education plan


In the Master’s Program in Child Language Acquisition, students deepen their linguistic knowledge in the field of language development in general and children’s language development in particular, as well as in a variety of methodological approach…

In the Master’s Program in Child Language Acquisition, students deepen their linguistic knowledge in the field of language development in general and children’s language development in particular, as well as in a variety of methodological approaches in the area of child language development. Importance is given to the students developing their scientific approach and their ability to perform independent analyses, and practicing communicating their work both orally and in writing. Such practical training consists of small project assignments and seminar presentations. The program provides in-depth knowledge and skills in the area of child language acquisition, and program graduates are eligible to apply for a PhD position in linguistics. The program may also serve as a basis for future professional activity in the area of child language acquisition.

The program comprises four semesters of full-time study (120 ECTS credits) and consists of compulsory courses (45 ECTS) and elective courses (45 ECTS), and an independent degree project (30 ECTS). Typically, there are four course units of 7.5 ECTS in each semester, where two units run parallel for the first half of the semester, and the other two during the second half. Exceptions may be made for some skill training courses and elective courses given by a different faculty or higher education institution.

Out of the 45 ECTS of elective courses, at least 15 ECTS are to be taken within the main field of study and 15 ECTS within a different main field. In semester three, there are two skill courses of 15 ECTS in total. The course English for Academic Research may be taken either as a skill course or an elective course. Courses are selected in consultation with the program coordinator. The individual degree project for a Master’s degree amounts to a full semester (30 ECTS). It is possible to include exchange studies abroad and traineeship in the program. Further, the program offers the possibility of graduating with a Bachelor’s degree after two semesters.

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Area of interests: Language and Linguistics

Languages open doors to other cultures, experiences, business contacts and collaboration between countries. At Stockholm University you can study nearly 30 different languages. You can also delve into more theoretical subjects such as Linguistics …

Languages open doors to other cultures, experiences, business contacts and collaboration between countries. At Stockholm University you can study nearly 30 different languages. You can also delve into more theoretical subjects such as Linguistics and Bilingualism. Language and Linguistics studies can lead to a large variety of professions within teaching, research and industry, the public sector, trade and tourism, and other areas.

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