Master programme in Media and Communication Studies, 120 ECTS

Second level


The Master’s Programme in Media and Communication Studies offers advanced theoretical and methodological knowledge of the subject area. The programme focuses upon current theory and method discussions within international research. Relevant resear…

The Master’s Programme in Media and Communication Studies offers advanced theoretical and methodological knowledge of the subject area. The programme focuses upon current theory and method discussions within international research. Relevant research from within the department is presented during the programme. Study modules consist of individual essays and seminar tasks.

The first semester is devoted to discussion of media theories. Attention is focused on current theoretical and empirical research that ascribes an important role to the media in cultural, political and economic globalisation, as well as on theories of media, class, gender and ethnicity that shed light on how the media represents and contributes to orders of class, gender and ethnicity in society and culture.

The subsequent two semesters contain method courses and specialisations. These include mandatory faculty courses. A comprehensive method course is completed with a pilot study in preparation for the writing of the thesis. Specialised courses are also offered, such as Media and Crime,Third Television: TV in the Era of Plenty and War and the Media. Students may also choose a course offered by another department.

The final Master’s thesis work is carried out and assessed during the fourth semester. The programme qualifies students for a professional career within the media industry, for independent research work, or for doctoral studies.


If the number of applicants exceed the number of possible admitted students, the students will be ranked.

The ranking of students will be based on the critiera stated below. All critera will be considered and weighed together into a comprehensive assessment of the applicant’s merits. However, the first criterium will count as the most important for acceptance.

1) the quality of the submitted text in regards to scientific writing , theoretical and empirical knowledge and the relevance of the research topic for the field of media and communication

2) the combination of courses in different (or same) subjects included in the Bachelor’s degree and performances in these courses (grades). Of special significance are courses in media and communication studies, if the major of the undergraduate degree is another subject or discipline than media and communication.

3) Letter of intent

Clarifications regarding eligibility requirements

The eligibility requirement Bachelor degree in Science of Media and Communication or the equivalent means that the applicant has

a.) an undergraduate degree in Media and Communication or

b.) another degree in a nearby field of study with a sufficient number of credits in courses relevant to the field of media and communication.

No preliminary information about admission will be given. A first assessment of the applicant, in regards to the eligibility requirements, begins after January 15, 2014 when a complete application has been submitted.

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