Bachelor's Programme in Philosophy, Economics and Politics, 180 ECTS

First level


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Programme code HPPEK

Education plan


Information only in Swedish

Area of interests: Arts and Humanities

How are different cultures created and how do they affect us? Arts and Humanities is an area of interest that includes a wide variety of subjects such as Archaeology, Philosophy, History, Religion, Ethnology, Literature, and Theatre and Performanc…

How are different cultures created and how do they affect us? Arts and Humanities is an area of interest that includes a wide variety of subjects such as Archaeology, Philosophy, History, Religion, Ethnology, Literature, and Theatre and Performance Studies. In one way or another these subjects are an expression of how culture affects human beings and society. As a student you will improve your analytical skills and learn to identify different lines of development, often in an interdisciplinary context. Studies within Arts and Humanities give you broad general competence that is very useful in the job market, where autonomy, analytical and communication skills are in great demand.

More about Arts and Humanities

Area of interests: Business and Economics

Business and Economics is important at all levels in society. Business Administration teaches you how companies and other organizations work and how they can achieve their goals in the best possible way. Do you want a long-term perspective and ar…

Business and Economics is important at all levels in society. Business Administration teaches you how companies and other organizations work and how they can achieve their goals in the best possible way. Do you want a long-term perspective and are you interested in what causes financial crises and why certain economies grow faster than others? Then Economic History is the subject for you. If you wish to study how decisions made by human beings affect society, then Political Economy is a wise choice.

More about Business and Economics

Area of interests: Human, Social and Political Sciences, and Law

Are you interested in human beings and society? How we function individually and together, what drives us, our learning processes, how rules and laws have been established, and how we interact with each other? If that is the case we have a lot to …

Are you interested in human beings and society? How we function individually and together, what drives us, our learning processes, how rules and laws have been established, and how we interact with each other? If that is the case we have a lot to offer. This area of interest covers anything from Pedagogy, Psychology and Gender Studies, to Statistics, Political Science, Law and many other subjects. Their common denominator is the relation between human beings and society, independent analytical thinking and often an international perspective.

More about Human, Social and Political Sciences, and Law



In practical philosophy, you study basic questions of human, individual and collective action. Questions and concepts of particular interest are rationality, normativity, values and ideologies.

Among the central areas of practical philosophy are argumentation, decision theory, ethics, political philosophy, social philosophy, aesthetics, philosophy of religion, philosophy of law, and philosophy of social science and humanities.



Stockholm University offers one of the best environments in Europe for research and higher education in Economics. Former students are employed as economists in a wide range of fields, such as national and international organisations, government, business and finance. The Department of Economics at Stockholm University has 30 faculty members. Courses are also taught by researchers at the Instutite for International Economic Studies, IIES, and the Swedish Institute for Social Research, SOFI.

The Department of Economics is a member of the Socrates/Erasmus Exchange Program, and takes part in Stockholm University’s NORDPLUS and central exchange agreements. For information see: Exchange studies.

The Department of Economics offers a two-year Master Programme in Economics as well as a Research Master Programme in Economics, both taught in English. Application is in January/February and courses start in late August or early September. For information see: Master programmes.

Doctoral studies in Economics at Stockholm University is organized by the Department of Economics in cooperation with IIES and SOFI. Stockholm University and the Stockholm School of Economics offer joint courses for PhD students in economics, economic statistics and finance within the Stockholm Doctoral Course Programme in Economics, Econometrics and Finance, SDPE. For information see: PhD programme.


Political Science

When living together in society, people are faced with the challenge of organising themselves in order to solve common problems in the best way possible. Today the democratic “national state” is the predominant way of organising political life, but it is also being challenged as the best form of political community. Development tendencies such as globalisation, European integration and a new ethnic and cultural variety have stimulated a comprehensive discussion about the need of more developed political institutions at, below and above the national state level. Political science, as a research and a teaching subject, is in the middle of this intense debate.

Many subjects within the humanities and social sciences treat different aspects of political life and its institutions. The characterising feature of political science is its focus on this area. Political scientists describe, explain and evaluate the political institutions. Division of power is particularly studied, as well as the question of how and to what extent the democratic institutions and processes function. The main themes are political theory, Swedish politics, comparative politics and international politics.

As a student you will gain basic knowledge of the political conditions of society, train your ability to critically judge them and to present practical insights in the working methods of the public sector. This knowledge is useful and applicable both in general terms as a citizen of society, and in more specific, professional contexts where knowledge of politics and public administration is valuable.

Political Science