Computer Aided Qualitative Data Analysis, 7.5 hp


Fakta saknas
Kurskod IP4250


Kontakta institutionen för information.


The course gives an introduction to computer aided qualitative data analysis including methodological foundations, approaches and logics behind the software design. The course participants will explore and study the structure of various leading qu…

The course gives an introduction to computer aided qualitative data analysis including methodological foundations, approaches and logics behind the software design. The course participants will explore and study the structure of various leading qualitative data analysis software and different stages of the analysis including arrangements and organization of the data, coding and retrieval approaches, conceptual networks throughout data, building models and use of various types of the data. In the hands on workshops, the course participants will utilize various research tools to run a multi-method data analysis in which the compatible qualitative and statistical software are combined to open new possibilities in the analysis of the qualitative data. An introduction to the essential terminology and methodological foundations for qualitative analysis is included.

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