Islam and Education in the Era of Globalization, 15 hp


Fakta saknas
Kurskod IP5280


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The course explores Islamic epistemology, concept of knowledge in Islam, Islamization of knowledge and overview of education in Islam. The concept and functions of the state in Islam and the process of deriving educational policies from religion i…

The course explores Islamic epistemology, concept of knowledge in Islam, Islamization of knowledge and overview of education in Islam. The concept and functions of the state in Islam and the process of deriving educational policies from religion in various countries with an Islamic profile will be discussed and the participants will study some major schools of thought in Islam and their respective educational traditions along with the development of formal, non-formal and informal education in Islamic societies. Developments, changes and reforms in educational systems of the countries with Islamic profile and challenges to the Muslim world to meet the demands of the era of globalization as well as educational strategies of Muslim minorities in Western countries will be the treated in the course.

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