Teacher Education Programme for Primary School, Specialising in School-Age Education and Care, 180 ECTS

First level


Information only in Swedish

Area of interests: Human, Social and Political Sciences, and Law

Are you interested in human beings and society? How we function individually and together, what drives us, our learning processes, how rules and laws have been established, and how we interact with each other? If that is the case we have a lot to …

Are you interested in human beings and society? How we function individually and together, what drives us, our learning processes, how rules and laws have been established, and how we interact with each other? If that is the case we have a lot to offer. This area of interest covers anything from Pedagogy, Psychology and Gender Studies, to Statistics, Political Science, Law and many other subjects. Their common denominator is the relation between human beings and society, independent analytical thinking and often an international perspective.

More about Human, Social and Political Sciences, and Law

Area of interests: Teacher Training

The teaching profession is a very important one. Schools have a big impact on future generations. As a nursery, primary, secondary or upper secondary school teacher you will have a creative, fulfilling and varied job. Almost everyone can tell of a…

The teaching profession is a very important one. Schools have a big impact on future generations. As a nursery, primary, secondary or upper secondary school teacher you will have a creative, fulfilling and varied job. Almost everyone can tell of a teacher who has meant something special to them, whether it is related to a specific subject or to personal development. As a teacher you can really make a difference. Stockholm University offers a professional education environment that rates among the best in the Nordic countries, within educational sciences research. You will receive a thorough training that provides knowledge, experience and practical skills for your future professional life. As a teacher you will have plenty of choice in the job market.

More about Teacher Training


Studies in School-Age Educare

Pedagogy for school-age childcare deals with children’s social development, liberal/popular education and learning in relation to activities in school-age childcare. This area has developed in interaction between school and after-school/school-age childcare practices to create meaningful contexts for the child throughout the day. The field of knowledge of leisure pedagogy is largely informal learning that can be planned, but just as often about taking advantage of learning and development opportunities arising from children’s play and interaction.

Studies in School-Age Educare

Teacher Primary School (Education and Care, Years 0-3 or 4-6)

Teacher Primary School (Education and Care, Years 0-3 or 4-6)