Master's Programme in Environmental Science - Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 120 ECTS

Second level


The program in Environmental Science focusing on Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry will give you knowledge about sources, release, emissions, transport, fate, uptake, effects, and regulatory aspects of chemical contaminants. You will start by…

The program in Environmental Science focusing on Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry will give you knowledge about sources, release, emissions, transport, fate, uptake, effects, and regulatory aspects of chemical contaminants. You will start by learning about the global challenges in the world. Then follows courses in contaminant modeling, toxicology, risk assessment and field sampling. During the second year, you can broaden your knowledge or go more in depth into chemistry. Finally you do a Master’s thesis of at least 30 credits.

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Area of interests: Science and Mathematics

Science and mathematics help us understand how the world around us is connected – from the origin and structure of the universe, to the development and function of humanity and all other organisms on earth. Scientific knowledge makes it possible …

Science and mathematics help us understand how the world around us is connected – from the origin and structure of the universe, to the development and function of humanity and all other organisms on earth. Scientific knowledge makes it possible to critically examine the credibility of information in different areas of everyday life, society, and the media. As a scientist or mathematician, you will be attractive on a large job market that covers all parts of society and includes everything from pure technology companies to environment and healthcare, as well as research.

More about Science and Mathematics

Area of interests: Science and Mathematics

Science and mathematics help us understand how the world around us is connected – from the origin and structure of the universe, to the development and function of humanity and all other organisms on earth. Scientific knowledge makes it possible …

Science and mathematics help us understand how the world around us is connected – from the origin and structure of the universe, to the development and function of humanity and all other organisms on earth. Scientific knowledge makes it possible to critically examine the credibility of information in different areas of everyday life, society, and the media. As a scientist or mathematician, you will be attractive on a large job market that covers all parts of society and includes everything from pure technology companies to environment and healthcare, as well as research.

More about Science and Mathematics

Area of interests: Science and Mathematics

Science and mathematics help us understand how the world around us is connected – from the origin and structure of the universe, to the development and function of humanity and all other organisms on earth. Scientific knowledge makes it possible …

Science and mathematics help us understand how the world around us is connected – from the origin and structure of the universe, to the development and function of humanity and all other organisms on earth. Scientific knowledge makes it possible to critically examine the credibility of information in different areas of everyday life, society, and the media. As a scientist or mathematician, you will be attractive on a large job market that covers all parts of society and includes everything from pure technology companies to environment and healthcare, as well as research.

More about Science and Mathematics


Environmental Science

Climate changes, environmental pollutants, ozone depletion, poor air and water quality, changes in landscape, waste disposal, depletion of natural resources, loss of ecosystem services, resilience and biological diversity, etc. The list of environmental problems is long as we humans use the resources nature has to offer without knowing or paying attention to the consequences. Environmental Science is a multi-disciplinary subject which applies knowledge from both the natural and social sciences to identify, understand, prevent, and deal with environmental problems caused by human activities. The Bachelor and Master Programs in Environmental Science offer an education in a natural science with environmental relevance and a background to the societal aspects of environmental problems. The programs apply a systems approach to the study of environmental problems and to man’s relationship to his environment. More information can be found at the ITM homepage

Environmental Science


Biology means the study of life and living organisms including their structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, distribution, diversity, their interaction with their environment and their presence in time and space. There are many subdivisions and topics within Biology such as: molecular biology, cell biology, microbiology, genetics, botany, zoology, ethology, faunistics, floristics and ecology. An education in biology not only gives you basic knowledge in biology, but also an understanding of relationships between structure and function on various biological levels and it also gives you a grasp of the processes that control the evolution of the organism. Biology is an experimental subject, meaning it alternates theoretical studies with practical exercises such as laboratory work and field trips. Examples of laboratory work include analyzing DNA molecules, producing bacteria or studying preparations of various tissues under a microscope. Dissections and experiments with living organisms are a part of an education in biology, however, an option without animal experiments within the zoology moments is also available. You will be able to study animals and plants in their natural habitats as well as participate in practical ecological field work through different field trips and excursions. Stockholm University has access to three field stations located in interesting nature areas: Tovetorp in Södermanland, Askö in Trosa Archipelago and Tjärnö on the west coast of Sweden.


