Master's Programme in Geological Sciences, 120 ECTS

Second level


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Programme code NGVEO

Education plan


The M.Sc. program in Geological Sciences includes the study of processes that shape our planet, from the effects of plate tectonics on mountain building and basin development, to understanding causes behind volcanism and earthquakes. You will stud…

The M.Sc. program in Geological Sciences includes the study of processes that shape our planet, from the effects of plate tectonics on mountain building and basin development, to understanding causes behind volcanism and earthquakes. You will study the processes that control Earth’s climate system at timescales of anthropogenic relevance to timescales of hundreds to millions of years. Our education program builds on our research strengths in marine geology and geophysics, petrology and tectonics, and biogeochemistry. In marine geology we focus on the study of the physical, chemical and biological properties of sediments and sedimentary rocks to determine the processes that contributed to their formation and to reconstruct Earth’s environmental and climatic development. Marine geophysical methods for digital mapping of the sea floor form an important part of our education at SU. In petrology and tectonics we study rock deformation, tectonics and magmatism, together with fluid flow and chemical transport. Within biogeochemistry we focus on studying the chemical element distribution and biogeochemical processes that take place in all of Earth’s environments (water, air, rock, and soil). Our studies range from current environmental questions to the conditions for life during the evolution of our planet.

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Area of interests: Science and Mathematics

Science and mathematics help us understand how the world around us is connected – from the origin and structure of the universe, to the development and function of humanity and all other organisms on earth. Scientific knowledge makes it possible …

Science and mathematics help us understand how the world around us is connected – from the origin and structure of the universe, to the development and function of humanity and all other organisms on earth. Scientific knowledge makes it possible to critically examine the credibility of information in different areas of everyday life, society, and the media. As a scientist or mathematician, you will be attractive on a large job market that covers all parts of society and includes everything from pure technology companies to environment and healthcare, as well as research.

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Earth Sciences

Earth Sciences