Master's Programme in Sustainable Enterprising, 120 ECTS

Second level


Note that the program will not be given autumn semester 2011. Sustainable development is too complex to be addressed by one discipline alone. Successful and sustainable enterprising cannot be achieved without knowledge and tools from both social a…

Note that the program will not be given autumn semester 2011. Sustainable development is too complex to be addressed by one discipline alone. Successful and sustainable enterprising cannot be achieved without knowledge and tools from both social and environmental sciences.

The first semester consists of 5 compulsory courses: 1. Resilience, adaptability and transformability, 7,5 hp (credits) 2. Academic theory, methods and writing for transdisciplinary research, 3 hp 3. Environmental law for sustainable enterprising, 4,5 hp 4. Management tools and change management for sustainable enterprising, 10,5 hp 5. Social responsibility for sustainable enterprising, 4,5 hp

The second and third semesters of the programme are designed to allow for maximum flexibility to meet each student’s needs. Students can compose their 60 credits with the following options: accredited courses 30-60 hp, traineeship 15 hp or expansion of the Master’s thesis 30 hp to a year-long project. (The option to take an Honor’s thesis 30 hp after the compulsory courses also remains.)

The last semester is the continuation or completion of the Master’s thesis in Sustainable Enterprising 30 hp. You may choose to do your thesis work abroad. The final work is presented in a public seminar at the end of the final semester.

The two-year program is a combination of lectures, discussion seminars, role play, field trips, workshops, practical on-site work including both an environmental management case and environmental audit, case write-ups including a legal pro-memoria, oral presentations, group work and independent work on a thesis project.

The programme also aims to provide training and learning directly applicable to practice in different types of organizations. The two-year programme includes practical work experience in organizations in both the private and public sectors to provide opportunities to establish contacts and learn current practices.

To provide students the opportunity to do research with and learn from lecturers in the forefront of their different fields of research, lecturers and instructors are leaders and authorities in their fields. We have gathered a mix of the foremost researchers from top universities worldwide tied to the Stockholm Resilience Centre through collaborations, as well as representatives from international research institutes, corporations, government agencies, consulting groups, and other organizations.

The programme attracts a mixture of talented students with diversity of work experiences, educational studies, and personal backgrounds. You will work together as a team on transdisciplinary coursework and projects. Coaching and training in communication and change agent skills. The language of instruction is English.

After the completion of the programme students will have an education and relevant practical experience to be agents of change in their organizations and active, responsible practitioners of sustainable enterprising.

This Master’s programme is a unique partnership between Stockholm Resilience Centre, the Department of Biology Education (BIG) and the Department of Law and at Stockholm University, to provide you the opportunity to do research with and learn from lecturers in the forefront of their field.

Entrance requirements • A Bachelor’s degree, or equivalent, from a university recognised by the Ministry of Education of the country in which the degree has been awarded; • A very good command of English, documented by an internationally recognised proficiency test. • ALL applicants must complete their application with the following: 1) Statement of Purpose – where you explain why you have selected this programme and what you have to offer the programme (max 250 words); and 2) Research Ideas – for your Master’s thesis (max 250 words).

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