Master's Programme in Microbiology, 120 ECTS

Second level


The Master’s Programme in Microbiology aims to give a deeper understanding of how bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa interact with the environment and affect biological systems at molecular, cellular and organism level. Knowledge in microbiolog…

The Master’s Programme in Microbiology aims to give a deeper understanding of how bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa interact with the environment and affect biological systems at molecular, cellular and organism level. Knowledge in microbiology is important in medicine, food industry, agriculture, technology, chemistry, and geology. In the Master’s Programme you will meet different aspects of microbiology, such as pathogenic microbes, biological diversity, evolution, and biotechnology. The identification of new emerging microbial pathogens and the global emergence of multiple antibiotic resistance show that pathogenic microorganisms will remain a very significant health problem in the years to come. In depth knowledge of microorganisms is essential to develop new diagnostic tools, medicines, and vaccines. The programme consists of two compulsory courses, Infection biology and Microbiology, then you can choose among courses such as Immunology, Molecular genetics and Plantmicrobe interactions. The goal of the Master’s programme is to give an insight into the subject through theory, experiments and other relevant work, so that you get a complete understanding of the life of microorganisms. You will also carry out a degree project at the department that is responsible for the programme; The Department of Molecular Biosciences, The Wenner-Gren Institute. The Master’s Programme in Microbiology opens career possibilities at public authorities, universities, and industry, especially research and development in biotechnology, pharmacological and medical industry, food industry, as well as nutrition. This Master’s Programme at Stockholm University is also directed towards anyone interested in entering research or research training at the university.

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Area of interests: Science and Mathematics

Science and mathematics help us understand how the world around us is connected – from the origin and structure of the universe, to the development and function of humanity and all other organisms on earth. Scientific knowledge makes it possible …

Science and mathematics help us understand how the world around us is connected – from the origin and structure of the universe, to the development and function of humanity and all other organisms on earth. Scientific knowledge makes it possible to critically examine the credibility of information in different areas of everyday life, society, and the media. As a scientist or mathematician, you will be attractive on a large job market that covers all parts of society and includes everything from pure technology companies to environment and healthcare, as well as research.

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Biology means the study of life and living organisms including their structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, distribution, diversity, their interaction with their environment and their presence in time and space. There are many subdivisions and topics within Biology such as: molecular biology, cell biology, microbiology, genetics, botany, zoology, ethology, faunistics, floristics and ecology. An education in biology not only gives you basic knowledge in biology, but also an understanding of relationships between structure and function on various biological levels and it also gives you a grasp of the processes that control the evolution of the organism. Biology is an experimental subject, meaning it alternates theoretical studies with practical exercises such as laboratory work and field trips. Examples of laboratory work include analyzing DNA molecules, producing bacteria or studying preparations of various tissues under a microscope. Dissections and experiments with living organisms are a part of an education in biology, however, an option without animal experiments within the zoology moments is also available. You will be able to study animals and plants in their natural habitats as well as participate in practical ecological field work through different field trips and excursions. Stockholm University has access to three field stations located in interesting nature areas: Tovetorp in Södermanland, Askö in Trosa Archipelago and Tjärnö on the west coast of Sweden.
