Master's Program in Atmospheric Sciences, Oceanography and Climate, 120 ECTS

Second level


Climate is an overarching theme of this programme. Processes that are important in the climate system are research focuses for the Department of Meteorology, whose teachers are active scientists and frequently participate in the public debate on c…

Climate is an overarching theme of this programme. Processes that are important in the climate system are research focuses for the Department of Meteorology, whose teachers are active scientists and frequently participate in the public debate on climate change.

The programme provides an integrated view of the components of the climate system in the atmosphere and the ocean. A central theme is the large-scale wind and current patterns that redistribute heat globally. Another is the physical and chemical processes that regulate cloud formation and the Earth’s radiative balance. The programme provides students with knowledge about how feedback and interactions between different sub-components determine the sensitivity and the response of the Earth’s climate to changes in the boundary conditions.

The design of the programme allows for a high degree of specialisation. We offer optional courses with a focus on dynamical meteorology and oceanography, where modelling is an important element. Other elective courses deal with physical and chemical atmospheric processes, examined from both theoretical and experimental standpoints. An optional course in applied meteorology prepares students for forecast-related work at national or private weather agencies.

The programme provides students with the skills and knowledge demanded in contexts such as weather forecasting, climate modelling and experimental atmospheric research activities. The programme is a suitable basis for PhD studies in atmospheric science, oceanography and climate.

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Area of interests: Science and Mathematics

Science and mathematics help us understand how the world around us is connected – from the origin and structure of the universe, to the development and function of humanity and all other organisms on earth. Scientific knowledge makes it possible …

Science and mathematics help us understand how the world around us is connected – from the origin and structure of the universe, to the development and function of humanity and all other organisms on earth. Scientific knowledge makes it possible to critically examine the credibility of information in different areas of everyday life, society, and the media. As a scientist or mathematician, you will be attractive on a large job market that covers all parts of society and includes everything from pure technology companies to environment and healthcare, as well as research.

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Meteorology, Oceanography and Climate Physics

Meteorology, Oceanography and Climate Physics