Master's Programme in Organic Chemistry, 120 ECTS

Second level


The master program in organic chemistry is addressed to people who want to learn and understand how small molecules can be produced, how they look, and how they interact with each other, for example, in complex biological systems. Organic molecule…

The master program in organic chemistry is addressed to people who want to learn and understand how small molecules can be produced, how they look, and how they interact with each other, for example, in complex biological systems. Organic molecules are building blocks for almost all drugs and for much of today’s modern materials. The program is provided by the country’s largest and most powerful institution in the field and aims to excellence in both synthetic and analytical organic chemistry. The training consists of required courses of 75 credits (two courses, each of 15 credits and an independent work, 45 credits) and at least one elective course of 15 credits at advanced level. Also other courses at university level can be taken. The program has a close link to research and is designed to cover most of the department’s highly successful and internationally recognized research. The program provides knowledge and skills to form a sound basis for graduate and a professional career in the organic chemical industry, both nationally and internationally. The society needs organic chemists, for example in the pharmaceutical industry, food and forestry industries, as well as for teaching and doing research. In basic research, comprehensive organic chemistry plays an important part. Development of organic chemistry in the border areas such as physical chemistry and quantum chemistry on the one hand, and biology and biochemistry on the other hand, is of great importance and is continuously growing.

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