Master's Programme in Medical Physics, 300 ECTS

This education is revoked

First level


No available facts
Programme code NSFPY

Education plan



Ionising radiation has for more than hundred years been used in medical care both for diagnosing and treating illnesses. The importance of a close co-operation between medical doctors and physicists was understood at an early stage. This has impli…

Ionising radiation has for more than hundred years been used in medical care both for diagnosing and treating illnesses. The importance of a close co-operation between medical doctors and physicists was understood at an early stage. This has implied that today medical physicist is a certified profession in Sweden. To obtain a registration from the National Board of Health and Welfare a Medical Physics Exam corresponding to a Master degree is needed.

A medical physicist is the physics expert in medical care regarding radiotherapy and diagnostic methods as radiology, nuclear medicine and magnetic resonance tomography. Except work load related to the daily medical care with treatment and diagnosis of patients, the medical physicist is participating in research and development projects often in co-operation with medical doctors. An important task is to teach about radiation to other medical professions e.g. medical doctors and nurses.

The two first years of the program is common with the program for BSc in physics where basic courses in mathematics and physics are studied. The third year is dedicated to studies on how radiation is produced, absorbed and how it can be measured. During the fourth and fifth year the education is directed towards the medical applications and both radiotherapy and diagnostic methods are studied in detail. Part of this education is supervised vocational training practice at a medical physics department. The final part of the education is a degree project of 30 credit points.

If you not are interested in working as a medical physicist there are many possibilities to work with radiation protection or at a biomedical engineering company, many of which are situated in the Stockholm-Uppsala region.

After finishing the medical physics degree there are possibilities to continue with post-graduate studies

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