Bachelor Programme in Computer and Systems Sciences, 180 ECTS

This education is revoked

First level


The bachelor program in Computer and Systems Sciences is developed to meet the needs of the very dynamic IT sector. The education comprises of mix of subjects from design and project management to more technical parts such as programming and datab…

The bachelor program in Computer and Systems Sciences is developed to meet the needs of the very dynamic IT sector. The education comprises of mix of subjects from design and project management to more technical parts such as programming and databases. You can influence the contents of your education by choosing from elective modules, but the education will always provide a solid base for professional work as a systems developer, project manager, programmer, consultant and much more in the IT field.

Having technical knowledge about computers or experience of programming are not prerequisites for the education, but rather the ability to communicate orally and in writing, to get involved in new fields and be a problem solver. You have a large degree of freedom of choice within the programme to form your own profile based on your own interests. You can either choice a broad education within a whole field or specialize in a specific part such as programming, design or systems development. The setup is largely practical and you work in a modern computer environment with many group projects and assignments.

During the first two years you study subjects such as computer systems and networks, IT in organizations, human-computer interaction, programming, systems development, project management, security and information technology. The second year is completed with a practical project when you are able to actively try out your skills in practice. You can choose modules freely from DSV’s large supply or from other subjects in the final year. You also study research methodology as a preparation for your bachelor thesis.

The department of computer and systems sciences (DSV) is situated in Kista. DSV belongs to the faculty of social sciences at Stockholm’s university as well as the Royal institute of technology (KTH).

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