Bachelor Programme in Business Administration and Information Technology, 180 ECTS

This education is revoked

First level


The programme combines courses in business administration and computer and systems sciences. The education prepares you for a responsible and developing job in business administration generally as well as specifically with respect to using informa…

The programme combines courses in business administration and computer and systems sciences. The education prepares you for a responsible and developing job in business administration generally as well as specifically with respect to using information technology in businesses and other organisations nationally and internationally.

The first two years, you study both business administration and computer and systems sciences. In business administration, you study how companies and other organizations are managed and organized. You learn accounting, analysing financial outcomes, development of business concepts, and theories of marketing and communication. Within computer and systems sciences, you will study how computers work and how computer programs are designed. Furthermore, you will learn what happens in organizations when computerized information systems are introduced. You learn to critically and independently design feasible information systems and to plan and implement system development projects. The education focuses on using computers, not on the technology itself. After graduation, you should be able to analyse, specify, and modify information systems to the requirements by people, organizations, and society.

During the final year, you study one semester of elective courses in other subjects, possibly as an exchange student abroad. The final semester is devoted to deeper study and thesis work in the one subject (business administration or computer and systems sciences) that you have chosen as you major subject.

Typical work places for graduates include consulting companies, industrial and trade companies, banks, insurance companies, NGOs, and governmental agencies. Typical jobs include project manager, controller, consultant, investigator, CIO, systems developer, process developer, and many other jobs that require business analytic skills.

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