Bachelor Programme in Market Communication and Information Technology, 180 ECTS

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First level


The bachelor programme in market communication and IT is an education for you who is interested in market communication and in creating or using IT – systems for market communication. The programme is aimed at providing general knowledge and compe…

The bachelor programme in market communication and IT is an education for you who is interested in market communication and in creating or using IT – systems for market communication. The programme is aimed at providing general knowledge and competence in information technology and market communication and specifically providing competence in applications that combines IT and market communication.

The programme is provided as a cooperation between the two departments 1) Computer and System Sciences and 2) Advertising and Public relations

There is an increasing amount of market communication via IT-systems. This goes for both mass communication and for personal communication. It is therefore important to be able to use IT as a strategic tool in marketing communication and to understand how IT can be utilized to enhance the effects of advertisements and public relations. The programme is aimed at providing the student with knowledge and competence in how you can integrate market communication with IT.

After having completed the programme you shall be able to participate in projects and be responsible for activities within market communication that is based on IT. An example of this is to work as producer of media, as a production leader, as a designer of market communication, as an online planner, etc. The programme goes on for three years and leads to a bachelor degree, but can be continued to a master degree.

During the first year you study: introduction to IT, communication and knowledge, programming, analysis and modelling, design and construction, and introduction to market communication.

During the second year you study: consumer behaviour, market analysis, economy and project management, and advertising and market communication,

During the third year you study: Traffic management, Interaction programming, e-marketing, social networks and processes in digital media, e-trade, and design management.

During the third year you write your thesis with a focus on either market communication or on IT. Depending on your choice you will get your bachelor degree certificate in either market communication or on IT.

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