German, 180 ECTS

First level


No available facts
Programme code HSPIK
Specialisation code TYSK

Education plan


Information only in Swedish

Area of interests: Language and Linguistics

Languages open doors to other cultures, experiences, business contacts and collaboration between countries. At Stockholm University you can study nearly 30 different languages. You can also delve into more theoretical subjects such as Linguistics …

Languages open doors to other cultures, experiences, business contacts and collaboration between countries. At Stockholm University you can study nearly 30 different languages. You can also delve into more theoretical subjects such as Linguistics and Bilingualism. Language and Linguistics studies can lead to a large variety of professions within teaching, research and industry, the public sector, trade and tourism, and other areas.

More about Language and Linguistics



German is one of the most important languages of Europe, and it is the first language of about 100 million people. It is an official language in three states: Germany, Austria and Switzerland. For historical reasons, German has an important role as an intermediary language in Europe. A reason for this is, among others, the great economic and cultural position of Germany in our part of the world. For centuries Germany and Austria have exerted great influence on Swedish culture in areas such as music, art and literature. Germany is the largest and most important trading partner of Sweden, and for that reason, good skills in German are in high demand on the labour market. This is why the German division at the Department of Baltic languages, Finnish and German offers courses in German at all levels, from beginners’ courses to courses at the postgraduate level. Most of these courses have been divided in a number of subcourses. Some courses emphasize language skills and capabilities to communicate in German in both speech and writing, while others impart knowledge about the literature, history and sociology of the German-speaking countries, as well as about the structure of the language. You may study German as a complementary part of another program (as a Minor) or as a complete program which may lead up to a Ph.D. degree. Also, you may study German within the Joint Programme for Master of Arts and Master of Education that leads to a Degree of Master of Art and Master of Education. Please note that, with most day time courses, a certain amount of teaching will take place in the evening.
