Master's Programme in Cinema Studies, 120 ECTS

Second level


The application process is explained here. Please follow the instructions carefully.…

The application process is explained here. Please follow the instructions carefully.


The Master’s Programme in Cinema Studies is taught at the Section for Cinema Studies within the Department of Media Studies. The two-year programme provides students with advanced knowledge, critical approaches, and a wide range of perspectives concerning moving images and the field of screen cultures in there ongoing transitions. Past and present configurations of moving images are studied historically, aesthetically, and as cultural phenomena and practices. The field itself, cinema studies, is critically examined as new media formats and convergence culture offer novel scholarly challenges in addition to the discipline’s classical concerns. The courses are mainly taught by section staff, but from time to time international scholars participate.

The programme consists of two core courses focusing on theories, historiographies, methods, and research skills; students are encouraged to complete these courses during their first year of study. In addition, the compulsory courses “English for Academic Research” and “Scientific Methods and Research Ethics” are organized within the Faculty of Humanities. Finally, students are offered optional courses in key areas of expertise (equivalent to 30 credits/hp minimum) in Cinema Studies. One of the optional courses per academic year focuses on aspects of Swedish or Nordic cinema. A major research paper (thesis) is completed year two.

The programme features syllabus-based courses, individual supervision of thesis work, and theses-in-progress seminars. Students may complement their degree with courses offered at master’s level by other departments or by partner universities. The programme is supported by the resources of the Swedish Film Institute, the National Library of Sweden, the Ingmar Bergman Foundation, Stockholm-based museums, libraries, and archives, and may lead to doctoral studies, creative, administrative and/or policy-making careers in film, television, publishing, and archives.

Selection and selection criteria

If the number of applicants exceed the number of possible admitted students, the students will be ranked.

The ranking of students will be based on the critiera stated below. All critera will be considered and weighed together into a comprehensive assessment of the applicant’s merits.

1) the quality of the submitted text in regards to scientific writing , theoretical and empirical knowledge and the relevance of the research topic for the field of cinema studies
2) the combination of courses in different (or same) subjects included in the Bachelor’s degree and performances in these courses (grades). Of special significance are courses in cinema studies, if the major of the undergraduate degree is another subject or discipline than cinema studies.
3) letter of intent.
4) the two letters from academic referees regarding the applicants scientific proficiency and prerequisites to complete the programme.

Clarifications regarding admissions requirements

The eligibility requirement Bachelor degree in Cinema Studies or the equivalent means that the applicant has
a) an undergraduate degree in Cinema Studies or
b) another degree in a nearby field of study with a sufficient number of credits in courses relevant to the field of cinema studies.

No preliminary information about admission will be given. A first assessment of the applicant, in regards to the eligibility requirements, begins after January 15, 2014 when a complete application has been submitted. Or after April 15 for the national application round.

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Area of interests: Arts and Humanities

How are different cultures created and how do they affect us? Arts and Humanities is an area of interest that includes a wide variety of subjects such as Archaeology, Philosophy, History, Religion, Ethnology, Literature, and Theatre and Performanc…

How are different cultures created and how do they affect us? Arts and Humanities is an area of interest that includes a wide variety of subjects such as Archaeology, Philosophy, History, Religion, Ethnology, Literature, and Theatre and Performance Studies. In one way or another these subjects are an expression of how culture affects human beings and society. As a student you will improve your analytical skills and learn to identify different lines of development, often in an interdisciplinary context. Studies within Arts and Humanities give you broad general competence that is very useful in the job market, where autonomy, analytical and communication skills are in great demand.

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Cinema Studies

Cinema Studies is the study of moving images and screen cultures centered around film, film experience, and phenomena surrounding films. Historically, it ranges from image cultures before film, to the screens and digital platforms of today. The field is broad and can be found at institutions around the world under the designations of Film Studies, Television Studies, Media Studies, Visual Arts, Cultural Studies, Film and Media History, and Moving Image Studies.

The objects of study can be specific films, production cultures, genre, auteur, intermedial and trans-medial relations, archives, circulation and distribution, reception (audience, critique), film culture, media industries, institutional frameworks (legal, political, economic), technological arrangements or streaming platforms.

Approaches and perspectives applied can be genre or narrative analysis, aesthetics, auteur criticism, reception studies, critique of filmic representations, post-colonial or gender perspectives, celebrity culture, or perspectives from political economy and cultural studies.

The field is informed by Literature, History and Philosophy, Cultural Studies, Anthropology, Linguistics, Psychology, Sociology, and Economics. Cinema Studies at Stockholm University is focused on historical perspectives and key medial moments of transformation, Ingmar Bergman, as well as contemporary film and mediascapes.

Cinema Studies